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과정 공지사항>국제자격증>CFA>게시판>과정 공지사항

제목 [CFA제도변경] 학부 4학년 자유롭게 CFA 응시가능 등록일 2005-05-13
안녕하세요. 이패스코리아 운영자입니다. CFA학생응시요건이 변경되었습니다. 기존에는 시험시까지 졸업요건을 맞추어야만 시험에 응시할 수 있었는데, 향후에는 4학년은 아무런 제약없이 CFA Level I 시험에 응시하고 결과를 통보 받을 수 있게 되었습니다. 따라서 4학년의 경우 시험에 응시할 수 있으며, Level I 시험에 붙고나서 Level II 에 응시하기 전까지 졸업증명을 하면 됩니다. CFA Institute의 응시요건중 해당 원문입니다. To register in the CFA Program, an applicant must: Have a US bachelor's degree or comparable non-US degree. The degree requirement is self-reporting. If an applicant does not have a degree, qualified professional work experience totaling at least four years may be acceptable. Eligible professional experience for entrance to the program instead of a degree does not have to be investment related; summer, part-time, and internship positions do not qualify. Employment dates (month and year) and a detailed description of duties for all current and previous positions must be included with the Registration & Enrollment Form. An applicant may also apply for entrance to the program with a combination of college/university and professional work experience that totals at least four years. (The four-year total must be accrued by the application date.) Details must be included with the Registration & Enrollment Form. Students who confirm they are in their final year of a degree program may register and enroll for Level I of the CFA Program. Student candidates can take the CFA Level I exam and receive results, but will not be allowed to enroll for the Level II exam until confirmation of a degree has been provided. 감사합니다.
사업자등록번호 105-86-56986 ㅣ 통신판매업신고번호 2005-02554 ㅣ 원격평생교육시설신고 제52호
서울특별시 영등포구 경인로 775 에이스하이테크시티 2동 10층 (주)이패스코리아
대표이사: 이재남 ㅣ 개인정보보호책임자 : 나현철